May 28, 2018


500 g of wheat flavour 

one tablespoon of salt 

one tablespoon of sugar 

300 ml of milk 

2 eggs 

25 g of fresh yeast 

15 ml of olive oil 

300 g of cheese (curd) 

300 g of cottage cheese 

70 g of parmesan 

150 g of ham



In a large mixing bowl, pour the 300 ml of milk. Add yeast, one egg, salt, pepper and olive oil. Crush the yeast in the milk and stir until completely dissolved.

In another mixing bowl, combine the 500 g of flour and the mixed liquid that contains yeast. Knead the dough until a smooth and homogeneous texture is obtained.

Cover the dough and let it rise in a warm place for about an hour.

Prepare the stuffing for the Easter Bread separately. In a bowl, add the cottage cheese, the curd, the diced ham and one egg. Add grated parmesan. Stir until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Season to taste.

Take a baking pan, grease it with oil and sprinkle with flour.

Yeast dough is divided into three parts by the ratio 60 / 30 / 10.

From the biggest piece of dough, make a round sheet, which will serve as a basis for the Easter Bread. Make a few fork stitches in the dough sheet. From the second piece of dough, make three strips and twist them to form a “braid”. Place the dough braid on a tray looped into a circle. Pour the cheese and ham staffing in the middle (but make sure that it does not reach over the margins of the braided dough). From the last piece of dough, make four strips and twist them to form two simple “braids”. Place them on the top in the form of a cross.

Let the Easter Bread rest in a warm place for about 30 min.

Brush the dough with oil and bake for an hour at 180⁰C (oven must be preheated).

10 minutes prior to being ready, brush the Easter Bread with beaten egg wash.

Good appetite!

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